- Prepare your Schema
- Prepare your Catalog
- Upload your Feed
- Full Feed Upload
- Delta Feed Upload
- Single Record Upload
- Check Product Count
- Events
- Browser Integration
- Introduction to GTM
- Requirements
- Introduction
- Events
- API Integration
- Recommendations Endpoint
- Authentication
- Header
- Request Parameter
- Response Components
- Explanation Request Parameter
- Quick Integration
- Installation
- Fetch Recommendation Results
- Default Unbxd Template
- Custom Template
- Unbxd Template Customization
- Custom Feature Examples
- Quick Integration
- Installation
- Fetch Recommendation Results
- Installation
- Configuration
- Components
- Composer
- Direct Plugin Feed Upload
- Authentication
- General Settings
- Configuration
- Catalog Sync
- Catalog Sync Information
- Product Feed Generator
- Feed View
- Indexing Queue View
- Analytics Integration
- Upgrade
- Uninstall
- Installation
- Configuration
- Configure Feed
- Cron Job
- Features
- Uninstall
GTM Integration
Tracking visitor analytics and behavior are essential in order to provide accurate and visitor-specific search and category page results. UNBXD analyzes visitor events, such as product clicks, products added to cart, orders, etc. These events are tracked using browser cookies. With this information, a profile is built for every visitor, based on his/her affinity to different categories, brands, or prices.
This information is then aggregated and analyzed for two purposes:
Generating reports
Providing relevant and personalized search & category pages results
When visitors browse through your store, the integrated trackers log everything visitors do – the products they visit, orders, even the various store properties they interact with. We take that information, analyze it, and assemble a detailed profile of the visitor. We know their browsing patterns, preferences and can even determine susceptibility to merchandising campaigns. The trackers are unique tracking codes that must be configured onto the store properties that yield an interaction. We call this interaction as an “event”, for example, click on the “Add to Cart” button.
The visitor profiles help fetch relevant and personalized products as search results. It also helps in generating detailed reports.
NOTE: For Unbxd E-commerce Search to function correctly on your site, Unbxd Analytics must be configured.
Introduction to GTM
Google Tag Manager is a free tool that allows you to manage and deploy marketing tags (snippets of code or tracking pixels) on your website (or mobile app) without having to modify the code.
Here’s a very simple example of how GTM works. Information from one data source (your website) is shared with another data source (Analytics) through Google Tag Manager. GTM becomes very handy when you have lots of tags to manage because all the code is stored in one place.
Basic components of GTM
Following are the basic components within Google Tag Manager:
Tags – Tags are tracking codes and code fragments that tell GTM what action to take on that page.
For example: Sending searched query to Unbxd analytics.
Triggers – Triggers specify the conditions under which a Tag should fire.
For example: A trigger with a condition to only fire a Tag when a user views URLscontaining the path /search/.
Variables – Variables are values used in triggers and tags to filter when a specific tag should fire. GTM provides built-in variables and allows you to create custom user-defined variables. For example: A ‘click’ class variable has a value name (such as a word string) assigned to buttons on the website.
DataLayer – The dataLayer is a JSON that contains name value pairs of data points you wish to pass from your website into GTM. (And GTM can then, in turn, pass on to any tags that are managed in GTM, including Unbxd tags.)
Requirements for Unbxd tracking through GTM
Unbxd analytics scripts need to be loaded across all the pages. We require a tag which will need to be loaded on all the pages. Below is the required code block for Unbxd analytics script. This should be loaded before other Unbxd tracking scripts and is mandatory to be added on all pages.
// Container ID is present in GTM-XXXX format in GTM Dashboard
// HTML ID can be found in the url. Eg:
// containers/422XXXX/workspaces/20 , 20 is the HTML ID
The above JS snippet needs to be added in a tag and also enable Built-In Variables, i.e.,
Container ID and HTML ID without fail.
TagName: UnbxdAnalyticsScript
TagType: Custom HTML Tag
Trigger: AllPagesPageView
Experience Impressions
A recommendation(experience) impression event is fired when a recommendation widget results loads on Home, Product, Category, Cart or Brand page. For each of these actions, unique Ids of the products visible on the recommendation widget on any above page should be sent as payload.
Through GTM to integrate this event we need to follow the below approach:
1. Create a Trigger in GTM to catch the browse impression
Trigger Configuration:
TriggerName: UnbxdExperienceImpressionTrigger
TriggerType: Custom Event
EventName: ExperienceImpression
TriggerFiresOn: All Custom Events
2. Create Variable in GTM to fetch the list of product Ids from the dataLayer.
Variable Configuration:
VariableName: UnbxdExperienceImpressionPayload
Variable Type: Data Layer Variable
Data Layer Variable Name: ExperienceImpressionPayload
3. Create a javascript tag with the below details.
Tag Configuration:
Tag Name: UnbxdExperienceImpressionTag
Tag Type: Custom HTML
HTML Content:
Tag Configuration:
HTML Content:
// Pass payload to Unbxd.track() function
// to call the tracker API
4. Pushing event to the dataLayer when the recommendation results loads.
Push payload to Datalayer:
// Add payload to Datalayer variable ExperienceImpressionPayload
// Should be triggered on category page load
// Payload will contain page and page_type instead of query
Payload details:
Attribute Name |
Datatype |
What value to be passed |
requestId |
string |
To be extracted from Unbxd search api response headers, from unx-request-id |
pids_list |
string |
List of unique id of products loaded with current request. If zero products are returned, pass an empty list(array). |
experience_pagetype |
string |
Pagetype for widget should be either Home, Product, Category, Cart or Brand based on the type of page on which the widget is used |
experience_widget |
string |
Widget type either of WIDGET1, WIDGET2, or WIDGET3. |
Events Flow will be:
- As soon as the ‘ExperienceImpression’ event got pushed to the dataLayer.
- This initiates the trigger UnbxdExperienceImpressionTrigger which we created in the step-1.
- UnbxdExperienceImpressionTrigger executes the tag UnbxdExperienceImpressionTag: which we created in step-3.
- Inside UnbxdExperienceImpressionTag we have added an Unbxd analytics experience impression tag.
- Experience tracker code gets the data from the variable UnbxdExperienceImpressionPayload which we created in step-2.
- Finally, UnbxdExperienceImpressionTrigger event data will be updated in the Unbxd analytics database for the particular site key.
Product Click
1. Create Trigger in GTM to catch the Product Click event on product in recs results.
Trigger Configuration:
TriggerName: UnbxdProductClickTrigger
TriggerType: Custom Event
EventName: ProductClick
TriggerFiresOn: All Custom Events
2. Create Variable in GTM, to fetch the product details from the dataLayer.
Variable Configuration:
VariableName: UnbxdProductClickPayload
Variable Type: Data Layer Variable
Data Layer Variable Name: ProductClickPayload
3. Create a Javascript tag with the below details.
Tag Configuration:
Tag Name: UnbxdProductClickTag
Tag Type: Custom HTML
HTML Content:
// Pass payload to Unbxd.track function
// to call the tracker API
4. Pushing the event to the Data Layer through the Product Click.
Push payload to Datalayer
// Add payload to Datalayer variable ProductClickPayload
// Should be triggered on product click on browse results page
Payload details:
Attribute Name |
Datatype |
What value to be passed |
requestId |
string |
To be extracted from Unbxd search api response headers, from unx-request-id |
pid |
string |
Unique id for the product |
variantId |
string |
VariantId of the selected product variant, if relevantDocumentType=”variant”, In search api response, or null |
prank |
string |
Number aka rank of product in response |
experience_pagetype |
string |
Pagetype for widget should be either Home, Product, Category, Cart or Brand based on the type of page on which the widget is used |
experience_widget |
string |
Widget type either of WIDGET1, WIDGET2, or WIDGET3. |
Events Flow will be:
- As soon as the ‘ProductClick’ event got pushed to the dataLayer.
- This initiates the trigger UnbxdProductClickTrigger which we created in step-1.
- UnbxdProductClickTrigger executes the tag UnbxdProductClickTag: which we created in step-3.
- Inside UnbxdProductClickTrigger we have added an Unbxd analytics recs impression tag.
- Recs tracker code gets the data from the variable UnbxdProductClickPayload which we created in step-2.
- Finally, UnbxdProductClickTrigger event data will be updated in the Unbxd analytics database for the particular siteKey.
Product View
Product Page View indicates the total number of visits that has been made to the product details page (PDP) by the visitor irrespective of the source (search result page, category page, search engine, email, marketing campaigns, etc). This can be tracked by passing the product ID in the payload.
To integrate this event through GTM, we need to follow the below approach:
1. Create a Trigger in GTM to catch the product view.
Trigger Configuration:
TriggerName: UnbxdProductViewTrigger
TriggerType: Custom Event
EventName: ProductView
TriggerFiresOn: All Custom Events
2. Create a Variable in GTM to fetch the product ID from the dataLayer.
Variable Configuration:
VariableName: UnbxdProductViewPayload
Variable Type: Data Layer Variable
Data Layer Variable Name: ProductViewPayload
3. Create a Javascript tag with the below details
Tag Configuration:
Tag Name: UnbxdProductViewTag
Tag Type: Custom HTML
HTML Content:
// Pass payload to Unbxd.track function
// to call the tracker API
4. Pushing the event to the dataLayer through a product view.
Push payload to Datalayer
// Add payload to Datalayer variable ProductViewPayload
// Should be triggered when a user lands on product page
Payload details:
Attribute Name |
Datatype |
What value to be passed |
requestId |
string |
To be extracted from Unbxd search api response headers, from unx-request-id |
pid |
string |
Unique id for the product |
variantId |
string |
VariantId of the selected product variant, if relevantDocumentType=”variant”, In search api response, or null |
Events Flow will be:
- As soon as the ‘Productview` event got pushed to the dataLayer.
- This initiates the trigger UnbxdProductViewTrigger which we created in the step-1.
- UnbxdProductViewTrigger executes the tag UnbxdProductViewTag: which we created in step-3.
- Inside UnbxdProductViewTrigger we have added an Unbxd analytics product view tag.
- Product view tracker code gets the data from the variable UnbxdProductViewPayload which we created in step-2.
- Finally, UnbxdProductViewTrigger event data will be updated in the Unbxd analytics database for the particular siteKey.
Add to Cart
Tracking products added to the cart help us further improve product ranks for a search query.
1. Create Trigger in GTM to catch the uniqueId of product on product add to cart.
Trigger Configuration:
Trigger Name: UnbxdProductAddToCartTrigger
Trigger Type: Custom Event
Event Name: ProductCarted (Use regex matching)
TriggerFiresOn: All Custom Events
2. Create Variable in GTM, to fetch the product details from the dataLayer.
Variable Configuration:
Variable Name: UnbxdProductCartedPayload
Variable Type: Data Layer Variable
Data Layer Variable Name: ProductCartedPayload
3. Create Create a Javascript tag with the below details.
Tag Configuration:
Tag Name: UnbxdProductCartedTag
Tag Type: Custom HTML
HTML Content:
// Pass payload to Unbxd.track function
// to call the tracker API
Push payload to Datalayer:
// Add payload to Datalayer variable ProductCartedPayload
// Should be triggered on add to cart button onclick() event
// when product is added to cart
Payload details:
Attribute Name |
Datatype |
What value to be passed |
requestId |
string |
To be extracted from Unbxd search api response headers, from unx-request-id |
pid |
string |
Unique id for the product |
variantId |
string |
VariantId of the selected product variant, if relevantDocumentType=”variant”, In search api response, or null |
qty |
string |
Quantity being added to cart by user |
price |
string |
Unit price of the product (variant, if variant is selected) |
Cart Removal
Like “Cart Additions”, tracking “Cart Removal” is also important as it helps us better understand the visitor’s preferences. To track the “Cart Removal”, customer needs to call the Unbxd API on the cart Removal event.
1. Create Trigger in GTM to catch the uniqueId of the product if a product is removed from cart page.
Trigger Configuration:
Trigger Name: RemoveFromCartTrigger
Trigger Type: Custom Event
Event Name: CartRemoved (Use regex matching)
TriggerFiresOn: All Custom Events
2. Create Variable in GTM, to fetch the product details from the dataLayer.
Variable Configuration:
Variable Name: RemoveProductFromCart
Variable Type: Data Layer VariableData Layer
Variable Name: CartRemovedPayload
3. Create a Javascript tag with the below details.
Tag Configuration:
Tag Name: RemoveCartTag
Tag Type: Custom HTML
HTML Content:
// Pass payload to Unbxd.track function
// to call the tracker API
Push payload to Datalayer:
// Add payload to Datalayer variable CartRemovedpayload
// Should be triggered when a product is removed
// from cart
Payload details:
Attribute Name |
Datatype |
What value to be passed |
requestId |
string |
To be extracted from Unbxd search api response headers, from unx-request-id |
pid |
string |
Unique id for the product |
variantId |
string |
VariantId of the selected product variant, if relevantDocumentType=”variant”, In search api response, or null |
qty |
string |
Quantity being added to cart by user |
price |
string |
Unit price of the product (variant, if variant is selected) |
Unbxd analytics also track orders placed by the visitor from your eCommerce store.
1. Create Trigger in GTM to catch the products details on order confirmation.
Trigger Configuration:
Trigger Name: UnbxdProductOrderTrigger
Trigger Type: Custom Event
Event Name: ProductOrder (Use regex matching)
TriggerFiresOn: All Custom Events
2. Create Variable in GTM, to fetch the products data from the dataLayer.
Variable Configuration:
Variable Name: UnbxdProductsOrderedPayload
Variable Type: Data Layer VariableData Layer
Variable Name: ProductsOrderedPayload
3. Create a Javascript tag with the below details.
Tag Configuration:
Tag Name: UnbxdProductsOrderedTag
Tag Type: Custom HTML
HTML Content:
Individually for each product
Tag Configuration:
HTML Content:
// Pass payload to Unbxd.track function
// to call the tracker API
Push payload to Datalayer:
// Add payload to Datalayer variable ProductOrderedPayload
// Should be triggered individually for all the products on
// order success page
Payload details:
Attribute Name |
Datatype |
What value to be passed |
requestId |
string |
To be extracted from Unbxd search api response headers, from unx-request-id |
pid |
string |
Unique id for the product |
variantId |
string |
VariantId of the selected product variant (if variant), or null |
qty |
string |
Quantity of the product being order |
price |
string |
Unit price of the product (variant, if variant is selected) |
// Pass payload to Unbxd.track function
// to call the tracker API
Push payload to Datalayer:
// Add payload to Datalayer variable ProductOrderedPayload
// Should be triggered on order success page
// for all products in order added to a list
Search Unbxd Tracker
A Search hit event is tracked to understand the query and intent of your visitors. Each search
query is tracked to enable per-query analytics of the visitor. A typical search hit event involves:
- Typing the query
<input title="" type="search" unbxdattr="sq" id="search-header" name="q" value="" class="input-group-field" aria-label="Search" autocomplete="off">
Pressing Enter or Clicking the Search button
<button type="submit" class="btn icon-fallback-text" unbxdattr="sq_btn" </button>
Through GTM to integrate this event we need to follow below approach:
- Create Trigger in GTM to catch the search Query on form hit.
Trigger Configuration:
TriggerName: UnbxdSearchQueryTrigger
Trigger Type: Custom Event
Event Name: SearchQuery
TriggerFiresOn: All custom events -
Create Variable in GTM, to fetch the query from the dataLayer.
Variable Configuration:
Variable Name: UnbxdSearchQueryPayload Variable Variable Type: Data Layer Variable
Data Layer Variable Name: SearchQueryPayload
HTML Content:
Create a Javascript tag with the below details.
Tag Configuration:
Tag Name: UnbxdSearchQueryTag
Tag Type: Custom HTML
HTML Content:
<script type="text/javascript"> var u_payload = {{UnbxdSearchQueryPayload}}; if (u_payload.hasOwnProperty("query")) { Unbxd.track("search", u_payload); } </script>
Pushing the event to the dataLayer through a search query.
<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery('#search_keywords').keyup(function(){ var searchQuery = jQuery(this).val(); if (searchQuery.length >= 3) { window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; dataLayer.push( { 'event': 'SearchQuery', 'SearchQueryPayload': { "query": "q=" + searchQuery } } ); } }); </script>
On search query, please pass the searched query to the dataLayer as shown above. Event flow will be:
> As soon as the ` SearchQuery ` event got pushed data layer.
> This initiates the trigger UnbxdSearchQueryTrigger which we created in the step-1.
> UnbxdSearchQueryTrigger executes the tag: UnbxdSearchQueryTag which we created in step-3.
> Inside UnbxdSearchQueryTag we have added Unbxd analytics search tracker code.
> Search tracker code get the searched query from variable UnbxdSearchQueryPayload which we created in step-2.
> Finally searched query will be updated in Unbxd analytics database for the particular siteKey.
Search Impression
A search impression event is fired when a search results page loads for the first time, and whenever results changes on applying pagination, autoscroll, sort, and filters. For each of these action, unique Ids of the products visible on search page should be sent as payload.
Through GTM to integrate this event we need to follow the below approach:
- Create a Trigger in GTM to catch the search impression
Trigger Configuration:
TriggerName: UnbxdSearchImpressionTrigger
TriggerType: Custom Event
EventName: SearchImpression
TriggerFiresOn: All Custom Events -
Create Variable in GTM to fetch the list of product Ids from the dataLayer.
Variable Configuration:
VariableName: UnbxdSearchImpressionPayload
Variable Type: Data Layer Variable
Data Layer Variable Name: SearchImpressionPayload -
Create a javascript tag with the below details.
Tag Configuration:
Tag Name: UnbxdSearchImpressionTag
Tag Type: Custom HTML
- Pushing event to the dataLayer when the search page loads.
<script type="text/javascript"type="text/javascript"> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; dataLayer.push( { 'event': 'SearchImpression', 'UnbxdSearchImpressionPayload': { 'query': 'search_query', 'pids_list': [LIST OF UNIQUE ID OF PRODUCTS] } }); </script>
Events Flow will be:
> As soon as the ‘SearchImpression’ event got pushed to the dataLayer.
> This initiates the trigger UnbxdSearchImpressionTrigger which we created in the step-1.
> UnbxdSearchImpressionTrigger executes the tag UnbxdSearchImpressionTag: which we created in step-3.
> Inside UnbxdSearchImpressionTag we have added an Unbxd analytics search impression tag.
> Search tracker code gets the data from variable UnbxdSearchImpressionPayload which we created in step-2.
> Finally, UnbxdSearchImpressionTrigger event data will be updated in the Unbxd analytics database for the particular site key.
Category Page Impression
A category page impression event is fired when results of the category page load for first time, and whenever the results change on applying pagination, auto-scroll, sort, and filters. For each of these actions, unique Ids of the products visible on the search page should be sent as payload.
Through GTM to integrate this event we need to follow the below approach:
- Create a Trigger in GTM to catch the category impression
Trigger Configuration:
TriggerName: UnbxdBrowseImpressionTrigger
TriggerType: Custom Event
EventName: BrowseImpression
TriggerFiresOn: All Custom Events -
Create Variable in GTM to fetch the list of product Ids from the dataLayer.
Variable Configuration:
VariableName: UnbxdBrowseImpressionPayload
Variable Type: Data Layer Variable
Data Layer Variable Name: BrowseImpressionPayload -
Create a javascript tag with the below details.
Tag Configuration:
Tag Name: UnbxdBrowseImpressionTag
Tag Type: Custom HTML
HTML Content:
- Pushing event to the dataLayer when the search page loads.
> As soon as the ‘BrowseImpression’ event got pushed to the dataLayer.
> This initiates the trigger UnbxdBrowseImpressionTrigger which we created in the step-1.
> UnbxdBrowseImpressionTrigger executes the tag UnbxdBrowseImpressionTag: which we created in step-3.
> Inside UnbxdBrowseImpressionTag we have added an Unbxd analytics search impression tag.
> Search tracker code gets the data from variable UnbxdBrowseImpressionPayload which we created in step-2.
> Finally, UnbxdBrowseImpressionTrigger event data will be updated in the Unbxd analytics database for the particular siteKey.
Recommendations Impression Widget Tracker
A recommendation(experience) impression event is fired when a recommendation widget results loads on Home, Product, Category, Cart or Brand page. For each of these actions, unique Ids of the products visible on the recommendation widget on any above page should be sent as payload.
Through GTM to integrate this event we need to follow the below approach:
- Home
- Product
- Category
- Cart
- Brand
- unbxdParam_experience_widget: The widgetType of the rendered experience widget.
List of widgets available:
- Did this answer your question?
On this Section
- Automatic Synchronization
- Manual Synchronization
- Command Line Interface
- Manual Upgrade
- Upgrade via Composer