- Prepare your Schema
- Prepare your Catalog
- Upload your Feed
- Full Feed Upload
- Delta Feed Upload
- Single Record Upload
- Check Product Count
- JavaScript Based Integration
- HTML Based Integration
- Introduction to GTM
- Requirements
- Introduction
- Events
- API Integration
- Search Endpoint
- Authentication
- Header
- Request Parameter
- Response Components
- Explanation Request Parameter
- PDP API Format
- Sample Request
- Request Parameters
- Response Parameters
- System Requirements
- Install SDK
- Initialize SDK
- Unbxd Commerce Search
- Integrating Unbxd Autosuggest
- Unbxd Analytics
- Unbxd Browse
- Unbxd Recommendations
- Sample App
- Installation
- Unbxd Analytics
- Unbxd Commerce Search
- Unbxd Autosuggest
- Unbxd Browse
- Unbxd Recommendations
- Sample iOS App
- Quickstart with Unbxd Template
- Quick Integration to your site
- Detailed Guide
- Authentication
- Types of Pages to Render
- Configuring the Page
- Instance Methods
- More Information
- Available Configurations
- Libraries
- QuickStart
- Authentication
- Configuring Autosuggest
- Sample Options Object
- Handlebar Functions
- List of Configs
- Search Template
- Loader Config
- Facet Config
- Pagination
- Spellcheck
- Sort Config
- PageSize Config
- Breadcrumb Config
- Product Views
- Variants
- Quick Integration with Unbxd template
- Quick Integration to your site
- Installation
- Authentication
- Types of pages to render
- Configuring the page
- PageSize Config
- More Info
- Endpoint
- Authentication
- Headers
- Request Parameters
- API Response
- Response Components
- Create an Unbxd Account
- Create an Unbxd Site
- Upload a Catalog
- Setup Search
- Integrate Search
- Create an Unbxd Account
- Create an Unbxd Site
- Upload a Catalog
- Setup Search
- Integrate Search
- Plugin Installation
- Configuration
- Uninstallation
- Test Plugin Installation
- Installation
- Authentication
- Catalog
- Catalog Sync
- Product Integration
- Custom Template
- Indexing Queue View
- Feed View
- Upgrade
- Uninstall
- Installation
- Authentication
- Catalog
- Cron Job
- Product Config
- Uninstall
- Installation
- Configuration
List of Configurations
You can find the list of the available configurations in this Github link.
Search Template Config
The search template options are configured under the ‘products’ object.
gridCount | Number | If you wish to have grid type user interface, then you can configure how many columns you will to have in a row |
defaultFilters | Object | to apply default filters, this will be applied in all api requests |
template | Function | this function has two parameters. product and idx product is the each product object.idx is the index of the each product |
productItemClass | String | this class name will be applied to each product card. it need to be added in search results template |
productType | String | SEARCH or BROWSE or CATEGORY |
attributesMap | Object | field mappings for the current product card |
el | Element | Element to place the search template |
Loader Config
Facet Config
The facet configuration table is available here.
facetsEl | Element | Element to place facet elements |
facetTemplate | Function | function to render facet wrapper template. has two arguments. facetInfo and facets facetInfo will give you the each facet and facets will give the facets elements |
facetItemTemplate | Function | customise filters here. has two arguments. facet – each facet item object filter – each filter value |
facetMultiSelect | Booelan | to enable the multiple selection og facets. by default it is true |
facetClass | String | css class name the facet item. optional. |
facetAction | String | ‘click’ or ‘change’ based on the facet item |
selectedFacetClass | String | css class name for the selected facet items |
selectedFacetsEl | Element | an element to place the selected facets. if you dont provide this element selected facets will be rendered along with facets |
selectedFacetTemplate | Function | customise the selected facet here. provided 2 arguments. selectedFacet : selected facet filter : selected filter object |
rangeFacetEl | Element | placeholder to render the rangefacet |
rangeTemplate | Function | if you wish to customise the range facets. has one argument, will provide the list of range facets available |
rangeWidgetConfig | Function | configure the default range slider. has 2 properties. minLabel : prefix for the min value maxLabel : prefix for the max value |
multiLevelFacetSelector | String | class name for the each multi level facet item |
multiLevelFacetEl | Element | placeholder to render multilevel facet element |
facetDepth | 4 | configure how many levels of category filter you wish to have |
clearFacetsSelector | String | Class name for button to clear the selected filters under a facet |
removeFacetsSelector | String | for deleting each selected filter under a facet. this class name is must to work |
onFacetLoad | function | if you wish to do something after each facet selection |
applyMultipleFilters | Boolean | if you wish to apply multiple filters together |
isCollapsible | Boolean | if you wish to have accordian on facets |
defaultOpen | String | Available options ALL , FIRST , NONE |
isSearchable | Boolean | if you wish to have a search feature on facets |
searchPlaceHolder | String | placeholder for the facet search input |
textFacetWrapper | String | css class for the facets list |
el | Element | placeholder to place the pagination element |
onPaginate | Function | call back function after pagination. |
action | String | ‘click’ or ‘change’ to make the pagination |
template | Function | for customising the default pagination look. it has an argument(object) to provide the pagination information |
NOTE:. We advise you to use your API Key in encrypted form on your frontend and never share it with anyone.
enabled | Boolean | for enabling spell check |
el | Element | for placing the spellcheck element |
template | Function | for modifying the default look of spellcheck |
Sort Config
el | Element | placeholder for the sort element |
options | Array | array of sort options(Object) |
sortClass | String | css class name for the sort item, make sure you will be providing this information in template |
selectedSortClass | String | css class for the selected sort item |
template | Function | modify the default look of the sort. provides and argument (object) gives you the selected sort |
action | String | ‘click’ or ‘change’ as per the sort item |
PageSize Config
pageSize | Number | number of results per page |
options | Array | array of number of desired page sizes (number) |
pageSizeClass | String | class name for page size element |
selectedPageSizeClass | String | css class name for the selected page size option |
action | String | click or change based on the customised template |
template | Function | for modifying the default look of the element |
el | Element | placeholder for the page size element |
Breadcrumb Config
The Breadcrumb options are available here.
enabled | Boolean | for showing breadcrumbs if it is available |
el | Element | placeholder to append the breadcrumbs |
selectorClass | String | css class for the each breadcrumb item |
template | Function | if you wish to modify default breadcrumb template |
Product Views
el | Element | an element to place the product views element. |
action | String | ‘click’ or ‘change’ event for the product view element. |
viewTypeClass | String | css classes for the product view element |
selectedViewTypeClass | String | css class name for the selected view type |
viewTypes | String | ‘LIST’ or ‘GRID” |
The Variant options can be configured here:
enabled | Boolean | for enabling the variants |
count | Number | how many variants required |
groupBy | String | variants will be grouped based on this property. has to get from your catalogue |
attributes | Array | provide the list of fields you need for each variants |
mapping | Object | if you wish to map the product attributes to the variant attributes |
- Did this answer your question?
On this Section
- User ID method
- Request ID method
- Analytics method
- Tracking Visitor Event
- Category Page Event
- Product Click Event
- Add to Cart event
- Order event
- Cart Removal event
- Autosuggest event
- Recs Widget Impression
- Search Impression
- Category Page Impression
- Dwell Time
- Facet Event